
Great EDEN conference in Porto!

from EDEN blog:

Conference Highlights

The 2012 Annual EDEN Conference in Porto was again a great success with 350 delegates with over 150 presentations from all over the world. The event was rich both in content and in collaboration opportunities and was highly interactive not only face-to-face, but also on the web. The professional community followed the webcasts of the keynote sessions, the referenced links by the keynotes at the Conference blog (over 1300 visitors in 3 days) and shared experiences via Twitter (over 1400 tweets on the conference topic), Facebook (with 473 members of the Group), and Linkedin. A Scoop.it rolling issue collected the links, presentations, shared content of the conference with cca 1000 visitors online.
We thank the keynotes, the speakers and all delegates for their valuable inputs and contribution to the achievements and nice atmosphere of the conference.  See further information on downloadable keynote presentations, the Best Paper Award and the EDEN Fellow Awards below.

Plenary Sessions

To read the most interesting contributions (PPT) of key presenters, please, visit the Keynotes' site. Thanks to Universidade Aberta, the plenary sessions were webcasted and recorded. Recordings will be available soon.

Best Research Paper Award            

Ingeborg Bo, the Chair of the Jury in her introduction to the Best Research Paper Award said, that 'In the Jury's judgement the Award winning paper is an excellent  contribution to the theme of the conference on „Open Learning Generations - Closing the Gap from Generation 'Y' to the Mature Lifelong Learners“ and it is best  in  presenting applicable and transferable results based on a solid methodological approach. The findings are critically discussed with references to the relevant literature and with creative ideas for further research.' The Winner was announced at the Conference Dinner:
Reconsidering “Gen Y” & Co: From Minding the Gap to Overcoming it by Emanuele Rapetti and Lorenzo Cantoni, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Both papers as well as previous years' Best Research Papers are donwloadable from our Publications' site.

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VISITATORI dal 01 Novembre 2008